Whether or not you are planning to sell your property soon, or you just want to enjoy a few simple upgrades, there are several ways to boost your home improvements ROI (return on investment). However, it is important to note that not all home improvements are created equal. While transforming a bathroom into a spa-like space may sound appealing, the cost may not pay for itself when it comes time to sell. Replacing gutters or fixing a leaky roof, on the other hand, is more likely to increase a home’s value (despite not sounding quite as luxurious).

As housing prices continue to increase, now is the perfect time to invest in your home’s infrastructure. Prioritizing home improvement ROI could increase your home’s value even more so, which begs the question: how can homeowners be sure their home improvements are worth the investment?

  • Top 10 projects with the highest ROI

    Project COST ROI Change from 2022
    Roofing Replacement | Asphalt Shingles 61.10% 1.50%
    Covert window units to AC System 100%
    Garage Door Replacement 93% 100% 9.70%
    Exterior Updates 91% 100% 11.30%
    Entry Door 64% 100% 36.90%
    Window Replacements 67%   65% 27.70%
    Kitchen Renovation 68%   85% 20.50%
    Bathroom Renovation 71%   66% 14.70%
    Flooring 68%   61% 0.50%
    Painting 59% 66.70% 7.80%
    Lighting 66% 61.20% -4.80%